Birth Certificate Translation For The USCIS: Basic Requirements
Birth Certificates are those
ancient documents for most of us that are written in a very old paper and has
information that is best left for nostalgia. Universal Translation Services has seen that if you are immigrating to the
United States, then the translation of this old document is a legal
Document Diversity:
Document diversity is a massive problem for the office of United States Customs
and Immigration Services (USCIS) office that has the job of sorting through
innumerable birth certificates and finding a way to even out the birth
certificates that are submitted to their offices. Birth certificates are
made in local hospitals all across the world, not only in language but in
customs and culture as well; the document has a way of varying to an
astonishing degree from one region to another. And this is a fair reason for
them to utilize the translation process for even out of documents and requiring
the applicant to provide translations that are conducted under strict standards
so that all the submissions develop uniformity.
There are a few requirements of
USCIS when accepting translation
of birth certificates from around the world.
Certified Translation: All
translation that is submitted to the office of USCIS will be required to have a
certificate of authentication from the translator that says that the
translation is conducted accurately and has all the information presented in an
accurate manner and the translator takes full responsibility to that effect. He
also provides complete contact details for himself as well as his translation
agency along with all the qualifications and accreditations of himself and his
affiliated agency. This is to ensure that the immigration office does not find
it hard to contact the translation agency or the translator and will be able to
contact them whenever they are needed for inquiries and verification.
American Translator’s Association: Universal Translation
Services would like to inform you that every translator who conducts
translation of a birth certificate to be submitted to the immigration office
has to be a member of American Translator’s Association (ATA) and show his
membership details in his authentication certificate. The translations that are
conducted by translators without the ATA membership will be rejected by the
USCIS office without review.
Formatting: The translation of the
birth certificate has to be identical to the original format of the birth
certificate along with all the stamps, signatures and markings that are present
on the original document. This is required so that the immigration officer can
review all the documents in their original form and access the documents
Notarized Translation: you
should get the notarization stamp on your birth certificate
translation with a notary officer if you want to make sure that your
translation will be accepted by the United States Customs and Immigration
services office without any problems and complications.
These are the usual factors to
consider while getting your birth
certificate translated for US immigration’s office. Universal Translation
Services is here to help you out in any and all translation needs that you have
with our expert translators. Call now.
The role of translation Service provider agencies are so much easy. It is a tough job if yuo are seriuos. Because they have to look up in many things. birth certificate translation services