Translation prices/ Translation rates per word.

Internet and the general advance of technology allow people to communicate independently from their location. Language has always been a barrier between countries, but translations became the perfect option to overcome this barrier. There is a boom of people requesting translation services and translator are busier than ever. There is a though competition among translation service providers and translation prices is one of the critical elements to catch some of the best clients.

Translation prices are usually calculated per word, per page and on an hourly base. With this, other elements are taken into consideration to offer the final quote, such as:
  •         The complexity of the text: complexity is usually measured by what field is the text from. It can be legal, medical, scientific or lighter subjects such as beauty blogs, the general content of commercial websites.
  •         Quality and experience of translators: Well trained translators charge more for their work and translation service providers used to have these type of translators available.
  •        Language: some languages might be more complicated than others. For instance, in occidental world Asian languages are considered very complicated because of the entirely different alphabet and culture.
  •         Some professionals available: some languages are less, and there are not many linguistics resources available. Some African languages and dialects are complicated, and there are limited resources for them.

Among all the methods, translation cost per word is the most widely used. Hourly projects or translations per page are left for long projects with more than 8,000 words.
 In translation business, there are no strict regulations how much will be charged per word for a translation. Some translators complain other professionals charge a lot more for what they do. On the contrary, others translators complain about some translators costing too little and devaluating the profession. In this sense, personal considerations matter in this field. Some of them are related to:
  •         Geographical location of the translator. What could be considered a low price in some countries, in other places could be enough because of the general economy of a particular country. In this era, the internet allows that translators work from remote locations and it is common that it happens.
  •         Quality of the translation is a complicated subject because the quality is sometimes related to native languages of translators. Although some translations might seem cheap, they can be high-quality translation services because native language speakers of individual countries prepare them.
  •         Academic background, reputation, and experience of translators. As translators get experience and get more trained and experienced, their reputation also improve, and they charge more money for their work and clients are also willing to pay.

How much can cost translation rates per word? Translation prices may start as low as 0,01 per word, and they can reach up to $10,00 to $20,00. New translators need to find their place in the market and learn to negotiate. Time helps to show them how to value their work. Those who are beginning in this business may get some valuable experience by working with well-reputed translation service providers.

Although translation rates per word are the most common method, it is essential to consider when to use alternative methods. Most of the times, hourly rates or page rates may benefit costs. Each translation project should be individually considered. Some translation service providers have unique benefits and discounts for frequent clients, and it helps customers and translators/proofreaders alike. The competition and a wide range of translation provider services available also allow clients and translators to negotiate the best fees conditions. Translators may grow as they continue working and potential clients have where to choose from according to their needs.


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