How Notarized Translation Services Works

Notarized translations are the most verified translations in the business. Universal Translation Services thinks that if you are asked to provide a notarized translation of your papers then it means that you are expected to provide the most verified and iron clad translation that you can produce.
A notarized translation is required when you are presenting the translation at the highest level of regards. When the receiver of the translation has no time to verify the quality and credentials of the translation and they expect you to come with the complete authentication and verification by yourself, you are expected to produce the Notarized Translation.
Procedure: The notarized translation is produced by going through a couple of steps that we will detail here. These steps are all well defined and conducted easily by translation agencies that provide notarized translations.
Translation: The document is, initially, translated into the language that the immigration office accepts as the official language of submission. You will review the translation with a second translator and make sure that you have completed the translation perfectly and you have not left anything out. Once you have finished the translation, you will proofread the final product and make sure that the translation is in its complete and final form.
Certification: Universal Translation Services has seen that the certification of the translation is a process through which a translator will accept the responsibility for all the translation that he has conducted. He will provide a certificate that asserts the validity of the translation and takes responsibility for the accuracy of the translation that is being conducted. The translator also provides the details of his credentials along with his identification and details of the translation agency that he is affiliated with.
Notarization: Notarization is conducted on the translation and its certificate. Notarization is the process in which notary officers will place a stamp on the certificate stating that the translation was conducted by the translator and the certificate is also his own and completely authentic.
Purpose: the purpose of notarization is to make sure that the certificate that is being provided by the translator is authentic and is not forged or fake in any way. The stamp proves that the notary officer was present while the translator ascertained his credibility as the translator of the document. The notarization is proof that the certification was conducted by the translator himself and the certificate is indeed issued by him.
As the offices that handle translated personal documents receive translated documents in massive bulks, they do not have the time to make sure that all the documents were authentic and their translation valid. And so if they find any discrepancies in the translation, they reject the entire application altogether and show the lack of credibility of translation as the reason for rejecting the application. This can cost the applicant a lot of time and money.
In order to make sure that your application does not get rejected because of the translations, Universal Translation Services advises that the best route is to submit notarized translations.


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