Affordable Translation Rates per Word

There are no strict rules to calculate how much is charged per translated word and competition is fierce! Some translators complain other professionals charge a lot more of what they do. On the contrary, others translators complain about some translators charging too little and devaluating the profession. In this sense, personal considerations really matter in this field. Some of them are related to:

Affordable Translation Rates per Word
Geographical location of the translator. What could be considered a cheap price in some countries, in other places could be enough because of the general economy of a particular country. In this era, internet allows that translators work from remote locations and it is common that it happens.
Quality of the translation. It is a complex subject because quality is sometimes related to native languages of translators. Although some translations might seem cheap, they can provide high quality translation services because they are highly versed in both their source and target language.
Academic background, reputation and experience of translators. As translators get experience and get more trained and experienced, their reputation also improve and they charge more money for their work which some clients are also willing to pay.


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