Translation Rates: No Rush Rates Or Weekend Rates, Only Discounts!
Are you in need of a
translation agency that will translate for you over the weekend or in just one
or two days without charging exuberant rates? Universal Translation Services is
here to help you out. Universal Translation Services is the best translation
service to get the translation
rates per word that you need in less time.
Discounts: We would like to
encourage you to explore our site and look into various discounts that are
offered by our team throughout the month for various occasions. We offer
seasonal discounts as well as regular customer discounts and many other
situation-specific discounts. The best way to know them all is to talk to our
representative about your translation case and ask her to see if there are any
discounts that you can avail. You should also encourage our representative to
look into the system and see if we are eligible for multiple discounts all at
once. Many of our clients are eligible and we love to help our clients.
Rush Rate Culture: We
have seen this system in the market as well and have always found it
disappointing. Just because a person needs his or her content translated in a
limited amount of time does not mean that they can pay incredibly high rates
and should be forced to do so. We think this as a mild form of extortion and we
have always vowed to avoid being a part of this culture. Translations are not
very cheap, to begin with, and if the translation can be done in the requested time,
then we see no need to force a person to give us extra money to do the job in
the allotted time. We are here for you in your emergency and your tough times.
You do not need to worry about hyped up prices and your limited budget. We will
charge you the usual amount like translation
rates per word..
Weekend Rates:
Weekend rates are another version of high payment methods that we find
offensive. We are here to give you your translations at normal rates even if
they are ordered over the weekend. Firstly, the weekend is varied all across
the globe and half the world celebrate Friday as the weekend, so as a universal
translation agency; Universal Translation Services thinks that the idea of
charging people extra over the weekend when it is not even their weekend is a
bit ironic. We also think that there should be no extra charge for two days of
the week when translation process is the same across the week because we charge
rates per word. We have a whole bunch of translators ho do not
have their weekend in the Western pattern and they tell us that their weekend
was on Friday. We still ask them to work on Fridays and they oblige. So we will
settle the weekend situation with our translators without any problems. You do
not need to worry about that.
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